When talking about radiators, you have to understand there are a lot more than just the ones you will find in your car or truck. Though automotive radiators are what come to mind first, there are other types that are part of heating systems. Sometimes known as a boiler system, these systems use hot water to heat homes, businesses, schools and many other facilities. When it comes to a boiler system they are either steam or hot water.
For example, older homes will usually have radiators that most likely uses the hot water version. This is because most steam versions were phased out in the 1930s. So you may be wondering how exactly does this work? The water is heated in a heat exchanger inside the boiler. From the boiler, the water is transferred to the radiator that will be made of a good heat conductor to produce the heat. In addition, the water is then transported back to the boiler to be heated again.
Bending Metal for Radiators, Boiler Systems and More
Of course with an in-home or business boiler system, you are going to need bent tubing. To route the water throughout the building special bends will be needed. Also, for these types of tubes you want to use materials that are rust-resistant. The metals these tubes are made from are; stainless steel, copper, bronze, brass, or galvanized steel. The good news is at Detroit Tube Products we work with all those materials.
Our industry-leading tube bending services can make those special tight radius bends for hard to access areas. This will ensure you get the system installed quickly and easily. In addition, we will work with all types of shaped tubes and fabricate assemblies as well! Our customers make custom systems for engine cooling, process cooling, and power generation cooling. We have made parts for a company that designs and installs cooling for server farms — so we make a variety of copper parts with multiple bends and angles.
HVAC system manufacturers such as Tridan International, also use our tube bending services. We pride ourselves on meeting deadlines and providing the best customer service possible. Call us today at 313-841-0300 or contact us now and see what Detroit Tube Products can do for you!
Posted In: Industries Served, Radiators, Tube Bending
Tags: bending metals, pipe bending, tube bending, tube bending for boiler systems, tube bending for radiators